
Making Apps - Workshop on App Development and Marketing

created on 15 March 2014 and tagged under appsworkshopiosandroidideationthecoalition

Here is a presentation I gave at the App Development and Marketing Master Class at The Coalition in March 2014.

The presentation aims to help you figure out how to decide what to build, finalize a feature set, hire design and development teams and taking your app to the store.

1. Most probably you don’t need an app

2. Decide what to build

3. Is the app worth making?

4. Do one thing well

5. Timelines?

6. Get Started

7. Making Money

8. Design Pays

9. Handling Developers

10. Testing & QA

11. Go back to the drawing board

12. How much does it cost?

13. It’s a Long Way to the Top, If You Wanna Rock ’n’ Roll - AC/DC

- Sudhanshu Raheja

We help companies create loveable apps for iOS, Android and the Web. If you would like to contact us for a consulation, a quote or to take us out for a beer, you can send us an email at pune@leftshift.io

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